Jurnal Informa : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat 2024-02-02T08:19:37+00:00 Canggih Ajika Pamungkas, M.Kom Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Informa : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat&nbsp;merupakan jurnal ilmiah bersifat terbuka yang memuat tulisan hasil penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat bidang komputer dan informatika. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta. Jurnal terbit 2 kali dalam setahun, yakni pada bulan Juni dan Desember.</p> E – Commerce Penjualan Gitar Berbasis Web di Cahaya Guitar dengan Codeigneter dan MySQL 2024-01-26T03:29:37+00:00 Nuning Melianingsih Yunita Kusuma Anggraini <p>The use of information technology in a business activity is quite important. It is so important that almost every company uses an online business service system, one of which is Web E-Commerce. Cahaya Guitar is a business making guitars that are made directly from starting materials to finishing, which was founded in 2014 and is located in Mancasan Village, Baki District, Sukoharjo Regency. The online sales system used at Cahaya Guitar still uses Facebook and Instagram facilities so sales are still minimal and not very widespread. So it requires other media to make sales easier and can go global. Apart from that, Cahaya Guitar records sales transaction data manually, and is not very structured so that errors often occur in making reports.<br>The research objective is to design a Web-Based Guitar Sales E-Commerce at Cahaya Guitar with CodeIgneter and MySQL. The research method used is the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method. In this method there are six stages, namely conceptualization, design, material collecting, assembly, testing and distribution. The result of this research is a web-based sales system (e-commerce) at Cahaya Guitar using the PHP and MYSQL programming languages.</p> 2024-01-25T09:07:15+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Melalui Teknologi Informasi Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian di CV Pustaka Bengawan 2024-01-26T03:29:38+00:00 Bangun Prajadi Cipto Utomo Tri Djoko Santosa <p>This study seeks to assess the impact of both service quality through information technology and product quality on purchasing decisions, examining these influences both individually and collectively. The research was carried out among customers of CV Pustaka Bengawan, employing a quantitative causal analysis to scrutinize the independent variables—product quality and service via information technology—in relation to the dependent variable, namely, purchasing decisions. Data collection involved the distribution of questionnaires to 100 respondents, and subsequent analysis utilized multiple linear regression, t-test, F-test, and coefficient of determination. The findings reveal a positive and statistically significant influence of both product quality and service through information technology on purchasing decisions, both in isolated and combined contexts. The combined contribution of product quality and service via information technology to purchasing decisions is estimated at 63.7%, with the remaining 36.3% being attributable to other variables. Therefore, companies are expected to improve their service quality through information technology to increase purchasing decisions. Additionally, they should improve product quality, especially for products that are already accepted and in demand by consumers. Future researchers can conduct research on purchasing decisions using different approaches and indicators based on different theories.</p> 2024-01-25T09:08:12+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Semarang – Jakarta Dengan Metode AHP Menggunakan Expert Choice 2024-01-26T03:29:38+00:00 Daniel Tunggono Saputro <p>One of the supports for improving a country's economy is the availability of various modes of transportation that can be accessed or used by all communities to support activities such as work, trade, school, medical treatment, etc. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia, is the center of business, trade, government, etc., so of course many people head to the city of Jakarta to carry out various activities. Likewise, people from the city of Semarang travel to the city of Jakarta to carry out various activities. Research was carried out on the choice of transportation modes from the city of Semarang to the city of Jakarta using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with data processing using Expert Choice software and the resulting choice of the mode of transportation was private cars as the main alternative with a weight of 31.9% and the next alternative was airplanes ( 30.9%), train (23.9) and bus (13.3%). The main selection criteria is travel time with a weight of 28.5%, and the next criteria are cost (25.7%), safety (20.2%), reliability (15.3%) and comfort (10.4%). And the inconsistency rate of this research is 3%.</p> 2024-01-25T09:09:18+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sistem Aplikasi Rental Mobil Berbasis Web Untuk Optimalisasi Armada 2024-01-26T03:29:38+00:00 Cantika Risky Ramdhana Pawestri Otto Santoso Putro <p>This research discusses the development and implementation of a web-based car rental system as an effective solution to increase efficiency and accessibility in the car rental industry. This system is designed to provide users with the convenience of ordering, managing and tracking vehicle status online. The car rental business has several business processes, including the car ordering process, payment, returns and order cancellation. There are still problems encountered in some of these business processes, where manual bookkeeping systems require more time to process data, search for data, and are susceptible to damage. Nowadays, technology is developing rapidly, changing the lifestyle of people who want a simple, easy to understand, fast to access and flexible system that can be accessed anywhere. This information system was built using the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) programming language and uses MySql as the database. By building this car rental system website, it is hoped that it can overcome existing problems such as all transaction processes and car ordering data processing.</p> 2024-01-25T09:10:05+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Peran Aljabar Boolean dalam Ilmu Komputer dan Perancangan Rangkaian Logika 2024-01-26T03:29:38+00:00 Norma Puspitasari Silvi Hindun Mayrohmah <p>Boolean algebra has made major contributions to computer science, especially in areas such as logic gate modeling, simplification of microprocessor circuits, geographic information systems, and digital circuits. Boolean algebra is used to analyze and simplify digital circuits, as well as in applications such as computer programs, geographic information systems, and digital circuits. This research is library research, namely by studying, researching and investigating and studying scientific works presented in the form of thesis books or papers that are relevant to the research topic. Some implementations of Boolean Algebra in Computer Science and Logic Circuit Design are Logic Programming and Logic Gates. Boolean algebra provides an essential theoretical foundation in computer science. Boolean algebra is essential in computer science, from the creation of logic circuits to recent advances in computing.</p> 2024-01-25T09:11:11+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sistem Pengaduan Kelurahan untuk Peningkatan Pelayanan Masyarakat 2024-01-26T03:29:38+00:00 Hafidz Atsal Nurrohman Nandita Sekar Sukma Dewi Taufiq Fadhly Ramadhan <p>Development of a sub-district complaint system as a participatory mechanism in improving public services at the local level. This system aims to provide a forum for the community to submit complaints regarding sub-district issues, ranging from infrastructure to security. Through a complaint form that is easily accessible through various channels, such as mobile applications and websites, the public can quickly and efficiently convey the problems they are experiencing. Incoming complaints are classified and prioritized based on type and level of urgency, enabling sub-district governments to respond effectively. This system is also integrated with local government structures, and has good coordination in handling complaints. Transparency is a key focus, with information about complaints, their status and actions taken available for the public to access.</p> 2024-01-25T09:12:05+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pembuatan Company Profile Sistem Informasi Gajah Putih (SIGATI) Surakarta Berbasis Website 2024-01-26T03:29:38+00:00 Norma Puspitasari Canggih Ajika Pamungkas Norhisma Zulfani Anggraheni <p>Gajah Putih is a climate village located in Karangasem Village, Laweyan, Surakarta City. This village is one of the locations of the climate village program that is considered successful because it has received a certificate as a location of the Main Category Climate Village Program from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2019. However, this village has not been optimized to convey information to the outside community. The village does not yet have a medium to efficiently convey information and education to the community, especially for people outside the area, making it difficult for people to find information about programs, activities and interesting activities that are running in this village. So far, to find complete information about the programs and activities being carried out by Gajah Putih, outsiders are still required to come directly to the location of this climate village. In this research, the method used is the Waterfall method which consists of five stages, namely: Needs Analysis, System Design, Coding, Testing or Implementation, and Maintenance. With this website-based company profile, it will be beneficial for Gajah Putih Village, because it is a medium of information between Gajah Putih and the community. This company profile was built using the PHP programming language and MySQL as a data delivery medium and the web server is localhost PHP Myadmin.</p> 2024-01-25T09:13:02+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sistem Informasi Absensi Siswa Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus Pada SMK Kesehatan Nasional Surakarta) 2024-01-26T03:29:38+00:00 Anggit Hardiyanto Bagas Fitriandra Pipin Tri Hastuti <p>The student attendance process at the National Health Vocational School Surakarta is currently carried out manually in an attendance book. Based on this, a web-based student attendance information system has been designed to facilitate attendance and record student attendance data. The system development method used is the waterfall method, which involves stages of analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. During the analysis stage, the identification of main needs and issues in managing student attendance at the National Health Vocational School Surakarta was conducted. The results of this analysis form the basis for designing a system that meets the school's needs and characteristics. This student attendance information system is designed as a web-based application for easy access. The main functions of the system include daily attendance recording, monitoring student presence, and efficient attendance data management.</p> 2024-01-25T09:13:42+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengembangan Website Dilan di Desa Sobayan Klaten 2024-01-26T04:50:39+00:00 Canggih Ajika Pamungkas Norma Puspitasari Ryan Junior <p>The information on most village websites in Sobayan Village, Klaten, is rarely updated. This community service aims to equip village devices with the skills to present data digitally and enhance the disseminated information. The activity is carried out in three stages: preparation, training, evaluation, and instruction. Participants are assisted for one month, and their information will be updated on the village website. 90% of the village devices that undergo training update information on the website. The development methods used include stakeholder needs identification, sustainability analysis, user-friendly interface design, and implementation of appropriate technology. Continuous evaluation is conducted during the development process to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the website.<br>Research results indicate that website development in villages can be an effective tool to expand information access, enhance community participation, and strengthen social connectivity at the local level. This activity provides valuable insights into how information technology can be strategically used to improve social and economic conditions in villages. Practical implications of these findings can guide website development efforts in other villages, reinforcing the role of technology in supporting sustainable development at the local level. This activity involves active collaboration between web developers, village governments, and local community members to ensure that the website can provide maximum benefits.</p> 2024-01-26T02:55:25+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Perancangan Website Desa Karanggeneng serta Mengoptimalkan Limbah Plastik Guna Budidaya Hidroponik 2024-02-02T08:19:37+00:00 Norma Puspitasari Canggih Ajika Pamungkas Widar Fernando <p>The effect of hydroponics using used goods in growing vegetables greatly influences the surrounding environment so that it is effective and efficient so that it can reduce plastic waste in the environment. In Karangjati Village, Karanggeneng, there is a Village Park which is a project of the Boyolali city government. This project is intended for the residents of Boyolali in each village to create a village garden planted with vegetables in order to improve children's nutrition in each village in the Boyolali area. In this activity, the village residents use the garden to plant all vegetables and when they are harvested they will be harvested and distributed to all residents. However, in its management, residents only use planting techniques using soil. In Karangjati Village, they are also not yet familiar with technology that could easily introduce the village and the park in the village. And in the end the village implemented it.</p> 2024-02-02T08:19:37+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##